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Melanie & Cory

Melanie & Cory


A mutual friend introduced us. Little did we know he would end up marrying us! 


This is going to sound super cheesy. But the first time Cory kissed me, I went weak in the knees and knew that I didn't want to kiss anyone else for as long as I lived. I remember saying to a friend "If it doesn't work out with Cory, I don't know what I'm going to do... I think he's it for me."


I knew I wanted yellow gold, showed Cory probably 12 different pictures of different rings I liked (talk about overwhelming, right?), and was bouncing between a bezel set classic cushion, or something really artisan and out there. Finally I told Cory to pick it out himself, because he has great taste. He definitely chose right! 


Cory proposed on my 27th birthday. He had asked me a few days prior if I wanted to go to our spot, Lone Rock Point, in Burlington, Vermont and have a picnic for my birthday.
Something about the way he said it made me go, "Oh my god, it's happening."
So we were up there enjoying our picnic, listening to music, watching the sun go down behind the mountains behind Lake Champlain. A picture perfect setting for a proposal. Cory was so nervous that he didn't end up proposing until several hours later, well after the sun had set. He got down on one knee and said "I don't know why it's taken me so long..." It was so dark that I couldn't see the ring, and I could barely see him! 
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